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High Holy Day Appeal

To our Temple Beth Am Family,

To answer the lifelong Jewish question, the High Holy Days this year are “late,” but as usual, they are quickly approaching.  This is when we are asked to make a pledge to Temple Beth Am.  It is always a difficult decision:  Do I give what I gave last year?  Can I afford a little more?  Or has the year been difficult and do I need to cut back?

Let us help you make that decision. 

It has been a great year for TBA, although quite challenging.  We have relocated our Chapel and added a new Education Center, both quite exciting and necessary but at a considerable expense.  As these projects were continuing, we lost our AC system after almost fifty years and the entire system needed replacement. These expenses cost more than $500,000.  Several years ago our previous administrations had the foresight to establish an endowment fund, which eliminates the need for us to borrow from a bank or assess our membership. 

The question is, “What do I need to do for this year’s High Holy Day Appeal?”  The answer is that now we need your help to replenish the endowment and put money aside for the next chapter of our Temple.  We have been here for almost 50 years and with your help we will be here for 50 more. 

We invite you to see our relocated Chapel and our refurbished North Wing.  The North Wing can be used as a conference or meeting room, for adult education classes, and is the new home of our Hebrew School. We have also renovated the outdoor patio that is attached to the Education Center, which many of our members never knew existed. This will  provide outdoor meeting space and will have room for a second Sukkah that will be easily accessible and ADA compliant. 

Some of the initial funding for these projects was made possible through generous donations to our Chai Campaign.   Now everyone has the opportunity to honor family members or loved ones by participating in this year's High Holy Day Appeal.

Our annual High Holy Day Appeal has always been the most significant fundraiser at Temple Beth Am. With the rising costs of security, utilities and insurance, we need your help this year more than ever. Please consider one of the following levels.


Grand Philanthropist $10,000
Philanthropist $7,200
Pillar $5,400
Grand Benefactor $3,600
Benefactor $1,800
Grand Patron $1,000
Patron $540
Donor $360
Sponsor $180
Contributor $100

Contributions of $100 or more will be listed in the Scroll of Honor, provided that your pledge is received in the Temple Beth Am office no later than September 24, 2024. 

To make your High Holy Days pledge today,

  1. Press the "Donate Now" button or click on Donate Now
  2. Select the "24-25 HHD Appeal" donation type from the "Type" list
  3. Complete the rest of the page as you've done in the past to submit your donation


The Scroll of Honor will be placed in the Ark during the Kol Nidre Service. 

There are still several major honorarium opportunities available in the Chapel and the Education Center. Now is the time to honor the memory of friends and family.  Participate in the Chai Campaign by increasing your last year’s High Holy Day Appeal contribution by $360 or more and you will be acknowledged on a permanent display in our synagogue lobby. 

To make your Chai Campain pledge today,

  1. Press the "Donate Now" button or click on Donate Now
  2. Select the "Chai Campaign" donation type from the "Type" list
  3. Complete the rest of the page as you've done in the past to submit your donation



For more information, please go to our website,
For High Holy Day questions, contact us at
Thank you for your support.  Best wishes for a happy and healthy year and may peace come to Israel.

Maxine and Armend Szmulewitz 
Sheila and Gary Grossman           
High Holy Day Appeal Co-Chairs     




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Thu, March 13 2025 13 Adar 5785