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Chai Campaign

Thank you for choosing to make a donation to Temple Beth Am's Chai Campaign. Making a charitable gift or donation to Temple Beth Am is a special way to commemorate or remember family, friends, and neighbors on all types of occasions. We appreciate your generosity and kindness.

The objective of the Chai Campaign at Temple Beth Am is to raise $180,000 to be used for improvements to our building.

At Temple Beth Am, we are proud that we a sustainable operating budget. However, for the past several years, we have used much of our reserve funds for building expenses, including a new air conditioning system, a new roof, an ADA compliant restroom and enhanced security features.

There is more that is needed to improve our campus. In the beginning of 2024, President Shavie Fagan appointed a committee to study additional improvements needed for our synagogue and the feasibility of a capital funds campaign to be able to meet these goals. They include moving the Chapel into the main building and establishing dedicated space for learning for all ages.

The Chai Campaign: Bringing New Life to Temple Beth Am

Chapel Relocation

Our chapel is being relocated to the main building, just to the right of the entry doors. This new home for our minyan will be comfortable for seating over 40 people. It will have a built-in Ark, new embroidered Parochet and Ark doors. The Ner Tamid and stained glass window displays have been in storage and will be placed in the new location. The Chapel can also be used as a conference center or meeting room for small gatherings.

Education Center

Rabbi Goldsmith and the Board of Directors are committed to growing SOARS, our Sunday Only Accelerated Religious School program to further the growth of Temple Beth Am. The north office suite has been underused for many years. We have finished renovating the first of several classrooms in order to provide a dedicated learning space primarily for SOARS. Additional rooms are planned for the future as needed. 

North Courtyard

A refurbished outdoor courtyard is a needed addition to our campus. The courtyard is located outside of the Education Center. It is a 650 sq. ft. area, walled, enclosed, and shaded. It will be suitable for a small daytime or evening gathering, and will also be the home of a second, smaller Sukkah that will be easily accessible by anyone who is challenged by steps.



To make a donation, follow these steps:

  1. Press the "Donate Now" button at the bottom of this page or click on Donate Now
  2. Select "Chai Campaign"  from the "Type" list
  3. Complete the rest of the page as you've done in the past to submit your donation


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Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784